Quality child care is defined as a Degree of Excellence! It’s not about quantity (the number of students), but an environment where Health and Safety are set at a higher standard. It’s an environment based on

 Uril Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System: Where teachers understand the importance of building fundamental relationships with their students and creating a classroom environment that is rich in literacy and communication. Where parents and stakeholders are involved.  

It’s not based on the number of books or toys in the classroom but how each book and toy is used to developmentally enhance every child’s social, emotional, cognitive, fine and gross motor skills.

It’s an environment where parents are involved in their children’s education. They share not only with their children but every child in the classroom. Whether it is reading a book, planting in the garden boxes, or chaperoning field trips. Where every child is engaged in age-appropriate special activities (soccer, yoga, etc.). Not just those whose parents can afford to pay, but every child. So no child is truly left behind!

There is an African Proverb that states “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child” in Quality versus Quantity it takes that same Village to Educate One!